Sunday, December 4, 2011

Vote Pelican (for Portia)

Just before the recent election, a friend of mine (the friend who suggested I start blogging, actually) and I were discussing politics and arrived at the conclusion that everyone should vote a pelican into parliament, as only a pelican can save the nation. Though having a pelican as prime minister may seem like an absurd suggestion, there are several legitimate reasons why the Pelican Party (co-founded by myself and the aforementioned friend, who is actually better at drawing than anyone) are the party for you.

Reason Number 1 is that pelicans have huge, expansive beaks. Why would this make for better leadership, you ask? While other parties might struggle to find solutions to problems such as inflation, unemployment, and global warming, the pelican’s beak allows it to deal with such problems in an incredibly efficient manner.

Reason Number Two is that pelicans have good hair. Everyone knows that, as well as being able to deal with issues in an efficient and responsible manner, a leader needs to look good. Nobody wants their country to be run by somebody who looks like this:

Because, even if he has the best leadership skills in the land, where is all his hair? Not on his head, that’s for sure.

Pelicans can provide you with a variety of dynamic yellow ’dos which only add to their charm. My personal favourites are the Mohawk and the quiff:

Both of which can be infinitely improved with the addition of a mullet.

Still not convinced that the Pelican Party is the party for you? Allow me to floor you with Reason Number Three: Pelicans are cool.

Do you really want to vote for a politician who honestly states that his leisure activities consist of the following?


And to conclude, I shall leave you all with some Pelican Party propaganda I made for the aforementioned friend for a sort of pelican poster exchange between her and me. (Her ones were much better than mine.)

So vote Pelican. For a real future.

1 comment:

  1. This was actually hilarious. Just found your blog by clicking 'next blog' so consider that a victory for random number generators! =) I will now go and read more

    1 vote for pelican, although I prefer my teapot left intact please
