Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Where are all the blog posts?

Some of you may have noticed I haven’t updated my blog since January, which was an almost inexcusably long time ago. Truth be told, since then a lot of things have happened in my life which have kept me too busy to really sit down and make a decent post. However, I’m currently on mid-year break from university, and for the first time since before I left home I find myself with enough free time on my hands to write something for my blog. Hopefully this post will explain to you what I’ve been up to in the past six months that has been so important I’m only just now getting around to blogging about it.

First of all, I moved to a city approximately 300 kilometres away from home, into a hall of residence. This meant I was suddenly living with a bunch of people I’d never met before.

I started university, and found that it involved a lot of studying, despite the fact that I only had 15 hours of lectures and tutorials a week.

I quit caffeine again, partially because I no longer wanted to be dependent on a drug in order to function, and partially because the coffee at my hall tastes like shit. It was a fun week which followed this general pattern:

I found out that I have irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. IBS is a fun little condition that makes me feel bloated all the time and rarely very hungry, and turns life into a bit of a daily struggle. Even better, doctors don’t know quite what causes IBS or how to treat it, as everyone who has it shows slightly different symptoms.

I broke up with my boyfriend of two years.

Unfortunately, living in a hall of residence meant that I wasn’t the only one who had to deal with the emotional nosedive I took in the wake of the break-up.

But I was incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by a group of wonderful, caring and patient people who have supported me through the emotional rollercoaster that has been the last few months of my life, including the stomach-lurching dips where all I want to do is lie on my bed and cry directly into a box of tissues. Or onto someone else’s t-shirt. While they’re wearing it. And I’m lying on their shoulder. And I’ll always be grateful for that support.

But it hasn’t been all bad news.

And although I can’t promise when the next blog post will be, I’m going to try my hardest to make the wait a little shorter than six months this time. Because no matter how many times life is determined to suckerpunch me to the ground, I’m determined to get back on my feet every time, and give it a good kick in the ass to boot.

Alright, life. You want me to climb shit mountain?

I’m going to make it to the top.