Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So, here I am, being a learner driver.

I’ve pulled up at a busy intersection and am indicating to turn left, because I am still a noob and turning right at busy intersections is not for noobs. There I am, waiting for a gap in the steady stream of cars, when I see this out my right window:

 A huge, bulky SUV (or ten-wheel-drive, as I like to call them) has pulled up on my right, and as a result I can’t see jack shit. So I have to sit there uselessly at the intersection, waiting for the SUV to go so I can actually see if it’s safe for me to pull out, because I am a sensible driver and sensible drivers don’t take risks.

The thing is, these cars aren’t useless. They have a respected place in the world. The only thing is: this place isn’t tootling around the middle of town or middle-class suburbia; nor is it next to any normal-sized car in a supermarket car park (another instance where my view has been unnecessarily blocked). And to people who use these vehicles for such purposes and not much else, I have but one thing to say:

Monday, January 9, 2012

Things I Am Really Fucking Good At #783

I’ve been struggling to get enough sleep lately, and a large part of the problem is that things like this keep happening.

For those of who have never ripped a hole in a sheet whilst sleeping before, a word of advice: if doing so wakes you up, do not even attempt to try to get back to sleep unless you are first prepared to get up and remake your bed with a new hole-less one. Every time you manage it, you’ll unconsciously turn or shift in your sleep and the sheet will tear some more, waking you up again. It is a vicious and cruel cycle which is best avoided.

But I digress. Ever since Christmas, my body and mind seem to have sunken quite thoroughly into holiday mode. This, combined with the fact that getting a good nights’ sleep seems almost impossible at the moment, has meant that every day so far has followed roughly the same pattern.

I’ll wake up, eventually manage to drag myself out of bed and through my morning routine, and will finally sit down at my laptop. Then, the following inevitably ensues:

Eventually I will resign myself to the fact that I will never win at Hearts, and go to bed. And that is what I have been doing on my summer break. It's not so different from what I do during the school year, really.