Saturday, January 31, 2015

Endings and Beginnings

The last time I posted to Caterpillar Equals "n" was now over a year ago. At the beginning of 2014, one of the goals I set myself was to post here at least once a month. Obviously, I failed pretty hard at that.

But I'm posting again now, for what is possibly the last time.

I started this blog in 2011, when I was sixteen. It's crazy now to think it's been four years since then. At the time, I felt so old. Looking back now, at twenty, sixteen sounds crazy young. But for two years of my life, I was posting here regularly. I worked hard at the posts I created, and I loved doing it. Even though I didn't garner a huge following, I did have some pretty loyal fans who would read all my posts. A lot of people would tell me how my blog posts made them laugh, and every time I heard that, I found it amazing. And totally worth the hours of work I put into each one. 

A lot has happened in the past year. Originally I had intended to make a Caterpillar Equals "n" post explaining what had kept me from this blog for so long, but when I sat down at the end of the year to write one, I found that a humour blog with badly-drawn MSPaint illustrations was no longer the way I wanted to express myself. I don't want to say I've outgrown this style of blogging or anything like that. I'm still proud of everything I've created on here. And who knows - maybe one day I'll come back to this, or to something like it. Anything can happen. I like to think that, while sometimes it's necessary to close doors in life, not all doors have to stay closed forever. You get me? Was that too emotional and poetic and shit? I'll try to refrain from sappy metaphors for the rest of this post.

Anyway, the point is, in many ways I am no longer the person I was when I started this blog. And that's only natural. In four years, especially this early in life, anyone is bound to change. A lot. Which is why I've decided to stop the false hope from stretching out even further by saying that for now, Caterpillar Equals "n" is at an end.

But it's not all bad news! While it may be the end for this blog, I'm hoping it's just the beginning for me in terms of blogging.

If you are still interested in keeping up with me, or at the very least, finding out a bit more about why I haven't been posting on here with any kind of regularity in the past two years, I'm excited to say that I'm starting a new blog. It's going to be very different to this one, but I'd love it if you at least wandered over and had a look. You can check it out here:

(I know, I know. I'm a WordPress traitor. I'm sorry, Blogspot. You were a good friend to me. It's nothing personal, I promise. WordPress is just a whole lot prettier.)

To wrap things up on a good note, I would like to say a huge and very sincere thank you to everyone who read, commented, supported me online and in real life, and kept bugging me about when I'd be making a new post. This blog received messages from fans I had never met in real life who really loved what I was creating. Kids at school used to walk around wearing my caterpillar badges on their uniforms. My caffeine post was used by one of my former English teachers in her class at school (hi, Jo). All of that is amazing to me. You guys have been great. This experience has been great. And now it's on to the next one.



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